The treatments

Everything we do, we do it best.

The treatments

Everything we do, we do it best.

I trattamenti

Tutto quello che facciamo,
lo facciamo al meglio.

Richiedi appuntamento
The implants must be anchored to the maxillary or mandibular bone just like natural teeth. If the patient's bone volume is insufficient, it is still possible to turn to implantology because of bone augmentation techniques, after having   carefully checked the patient’s health and diagnostic delay, which is fundamental for the underestimation of the problem.
Currently, specific techniques known as "invisible" can be used in orthodontic treatments, in addition to the common traditional therapy . Besides the use of lingual devise and / or ceramic brakets, the real new frontier, which satisfies the need of many patients willing for treatement, as long as aesthetics is maintained, is represented by the use of transparent masks to be worn in a pre-determined chronological sequence and self managed by the patient himself….
Laser can be used in dentistry both to treat hard tissue pathologies (caries, whitening, desensitization, endodontics) and for soft tissue pathologies (periodontology, oral surgery, herpes labialis, mouth ulcers). Dental surgeries performed with lasers usage are faster and have little or no bleeding at all, in addition stitches are not necessary, apart from rare cases. In addition they have a very noticeable reduction in post-operative symptoms…


Caries in its initial phase does not cause symptoms such as sensitivity or pain and, in any case, much depends on the subjective pain threshold. The first clue that can indicate the presence of a caries is the appearance of a dark spot on the tooth enamel. But also dental stains, alterations in the color of the enamel or pigmentations from external agents, manifest themselves in a similar way, for this reason my advice, and not only mine, is to schedule a six-monthly visit with your trusted dentist and, perhaps, take the opportunity to undergo a professional oral hygiene session.
The insertion of dental implants takes place through the execution of a more or less simple surgery, absolutely painless, thanks to a local anesthesia whose effectiveness is increasingly certain and predictable, through more effective and safe drugs. It is also possible to resort to conscious sedation which, in addition to guaranteeing a feeling of relaxation, gives a sort of space-time “dissociation”, which does not allow us to perceive what is happening, with the great advantage of returning perfectly normal at the end of the administration of drugs. It should be emphasized that modern surgical techniques, such as the immediate post-extraction implant, the flapless technique and computer-guided implantology, have reduced, if not completely eliminated, post-operative symptoms.
First of all, it should be noted that the professional dental whitening treatment is much longer lasting than the do-it-yourself, home-based methods, some of which can be excessively aggressive and, therefore, harmful, damaging the enamel and generating sensitization. Among the professional methods, the most advanced is that carried out using the diode laser which, allowing to minimize the amount of whitening substance to be used and the time of its application, turns out to be practically completely harmless, which allows to have a stable result for up to three years.
Brushing your teeth correctly three times a day contributes fundamentally to keeping them healthy and “white”. We need to use some fundamental safeguards:
  • manual toothbrush, whether or not associated with an electric toothbrush, or a sonic toothbrush which, in addition to the mechanical action of the bristles, associates the effectiveness of the fluid dynamic action based on the generation of oxygen microbubbles, due to the movement of the bristles, which makes the cleaning action even more delicate as the bristle does not act directly on the tooth surface by rubbing;
  • fluoride toothpaste unless some limitations due to the amount of ambient fluoride or the presence of dental implants;
  • non-waxed dental floss or super floss PTFE;
  • pipe cleaner;
  • mouthwash.
There are also other manual or electric aids which, although not “fundamental”, can be of valid help for some subjects. Given that, given this basic information, it would be better for the patient to be instructed by the dentist or dental hygienist during a professional hygiene session, I will try to focus on the most correct movements to be carried out during brushing, remembering that post-meal brushing must take place at least 30 minutes after the end of the same to avoid distributing harmful agents in more hidden areas. It is necessary to brush first the lingual part of the lower teeth, being the most difficult to clean, then the palatal part of the upper teeth, then the external ones, those facing the cheeks, called vestibular, and finally the chewing surfaces called occlusal. Proper brushing lasts between 3 and 5 minutes. It is necessary to avoid too energetic and horizontal movements, you do not need strength to brush your teeth well. The movements must be vertical trying to make the bristles penetrate even in the interdental spaces. Brushing must take place with a vertical rotating movement starting with the toothbrush oriented at 45 degrees from the gumline towards the chewing part of the tooth itself.
Conscious sedation can be practiced, proving to be very useful, with dental phobic, anxious, cardiopathic, hypertensive, epileptic, handicapped patients because it is able to reduce the negative effects of stress and strong emotions. Practically harmless, in my office it is still practiced by an anesthesiologist even if it is decided to use nitrous oxide, an anesthetist who I claim to be present also during neonatal surgery, frenectomies and surgical resolution of ankyloglossias by laser, whose anesthesia is performed by means of laser use of ointments to be applied locally. I would like to emphasize that in my office the treatment of the autistic patient, psychiatric and neurological patient is supported by the use of a device generating appropriate electromagnetic waves, FasciaMenteCare, which has proved to be miraculous.
As a rule, it is advisable to undergo a professional cleaning of the teeth once every six months for “healthy” subjects. For those suffering from recurrent inflammation or periodontal disease it should be done every three months and, in severe cases, even monthly.
The bite is an acrylic resin occlusal plate that has the function of solving the problems of the stomatognathic, chewing and other systems, related to teeth grinding, mandibular dislocation, dental malocclusion and snoring. The bite is of fundamental importance in helping to solve problems related to posture, being the same conditioned by the head and the muscles of the chewing and neck which are closely related to each other and interact directly with the muscles of the shoulders. In addition, my studio produces performance bites intended for professional sportsmen, amateur sportsmen, in order to increase their performance, and anyone who needs to optimize their efforts or their level of attention.
The first check of a child’s mouth should be carried out at the time of birth by the pediatrician of reference, it would be advisable, in fact, to inspect the labial and lingual frenulae which could present malformations limiting sucking. In this case, normal nutrition would be compromised. It goes without saying that the presence of cleft palate or cleft lip and palate must be diagnosed and managed at the time of delivery. Subsequently, in pediatric age (from three years), an annual check-up would be advisable in order to monitor skeletal and dento-skeletal growth and correct breathing. An early path of interaction with the dentist would also favor a serene relationship with a figure that is difficult for children to accept.