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Performance bites

Performance bites

The contraction of the chewing muscles is a common act of many gestures of daily life, particularly evident when one is asked to perform exercises that require the production of maximum effort. How can dentistry, and gnathology, help us in this regard? The answer is in the use of a performance bite, obtained during normal daily activity through static and dynamic revelations.

Basically, we can do this in two different but similar ways, depending on whether the subject to be treated is a professional athlete (Race bite) or an individual who needs to improve, through the reconditioning of his postural attitude, his physical energy and mental clarity, essentially one’s own well-being.

Race bite: it is a sophisticated and customized dental device that has the function of saving energy for the athlete during their performance. Every sportsman, during the performance, subjects his body to a muscular effort and a considerable expenditure of energy and in the many sports disciplines the athlete also tends to grit his teeth by activating the facial muscles of the neck, which generates a further use of energy.

Interposing between the two arches, the race bite device prevents complete dental closure, with the benefit that the force discharged from the facial muscles can be distributed to other parts of the body, guaranteeing greater concentration for the athlete himself.

Dr. Margarita, by virtue of a close collaboration with Dr. Piero D’Agostino – thanks to computerized diagnostics capable of detecting neuromuscular activity during the competitive stress phase, any misalignments, and imbalances of the stomatognathic system, as well as any imbalances occlusal – studies and creates a highly customized device, able to compensate for the various deficits and to recover strength and concentration otherwise compromised. Static tests in the studio and dynamic during sports activities, allow to obtain highly specific information and clues which, once reworked, allow the development of the race bite directly on the athlete, uniquely and perfectly adherent to the type of muscular effort required by the different types of sports practiced. Directly derived from the race bite conceived, tested, and created for professional sportsmen, after an in-depth university study and rigorous clinical sports validation, the Secure Bite project was born and developed. “Improving your health”, “optimizing your performance”, “increasing concentration” are just some of the aspects that wearing the Secure Bite can guarantee. From this it follows that, in the workplace, there can be a real increase in safety at work, with a consequent improvement in production and a non-negligible reduction in expenditure for post-traumatic rehabilitation, deriving from accidents, often caused by excessive fatigue and consequent lack of clarity. The Secure Bite also allows you to intervene in a preventive manner, on all those pathologies related to strenuous work, such as to generate postural problems for the worker. The so-called postural reconditioning in those subjects who perform non-symmetrical physical tasks, always starts from a careful occlusal examination, and is completed in the creation of a specific bite, able to rebalance the skeletal-muscular chain in a descending way. Those who spend a lot of time driving heavy vehicles, buses, trains, ships, or planes for work and have on their shoulders the responsibility of carrying dozens or hundreds of people every day, whether they are transporters, pilots, drivers, or ordinary citizens, wearing their personalized Secure Bite, will have a silent and effective device, able to guarantee their own and others’ safety.