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Periodontology is the branch of dentistry that studies the tissues of the periodontium and related pathologies. The periodontium consists of gingiva, alveolar bone (the bone closest to the root of the tooth), root cement (tissue that covers the root of the tooth) and periodontal ligament. Periodontology, therefore, deals with all those tissues that guarantee dental stability in healthy conditions. Periodontology also deals with diseases affecting the periodontium, which are called periodontal diseases or periodontal diseases or, again, pyorrhea, a term widely used at a popular level. Periodontitis is currently the leading cause of tooth loss in Italy. As the disease progresses, the possibility of recovery becomes more difficult and requires more complex treatments aimed at bone regeneration. The cause of this pathology is exclusively bacteria, but everything is aggravated by smoking, systemic diseases, and malocclusions. Basically, four types are recognized:

  • chronic;
  • aggressive;
  • associated with systemic diseases;
  • necrotizing.

This disease can also affect children and adolescents and is mainly due to a bacterium, actinomycetemcomitans, and can be favored by abnormal dental and / or dento-skeletal anatomy, including poor hygiene. It can heal after appropriate mechanical treatment, ablation, gingival courtiage, antibiotic therapy and restoration of correct home oral hygiene. The symptoms of periodontal disease are initially rather subtle, being painless and not evident. Gum bleeding during brushing, gum swelling, and bad breath can be alarm bells. More serious symptoms are periodontal abscesses, tooth displacement and mobility. The diagnosis, especially the initial one, is the responsibility of the dentist, who today has two tests available: the salivary genetic test and the microbial test performed on periodontal fluid. After the formulation of a correct diagnosis, the patient goes through a first and initial therapy, defined as the “first phase” or causal therapy (ablation, gingival courtiage, closed sanding). Subsequently, if necessary, the patient will be subjected to any secondary therapies, mostly surgical, never losing sight of the control of the lifestyle and the possible presence of systemic diseases such as, for example, diabetes. Effective aid can be homeopathic treatment.